Stacy Corbin has been spending several months each winter on the beaches of Baja for many years now. If you have fished with Stacy in Alaska, you have probably heard some of his stories. Roosterfish are like the beach version of permit in that they are a challenge to catch and demand patience, skill and sometimes a little good fortune. These can be large fish with some specimens over 30lbs and the potential for giants up to 100lbs (if you could land them). If you are interested in learning more, Stacy is available for hosting anglers this spring. Flights to San Jose Del Cabo are easy and from there, fishing options are varied from Cabo San Lucas to the beaches on both the Pacific and Sea of Cortez sides of the peninsula.

The rare and mythical Baja Beach Snook.

Big Jacks will test your arms.

Here is an excerpt from one of Stacy's email updates.
I was sitting under that sun shade sipping a Pacifico, about ready to wind in my 100 ft. of fly line that was piled on the beach when the first group of big roosters came by. I went running ahead of them and put some very good casts on them, but they showed no interest. These fish were 30 – 40 lbs. The next group that I saw walking back to the sun shade were even bigger, and slow moving happy fish. They were out a bit further, but there was no wind, and I cast that 400 grain Rio all the way to the backing knot…waited until they were approaching and made an initial long strip. The second fish of the bunch, a true giant that was 40 to 50 lbs moved towards the fly. As he approached I got low and quickened the strip. He charged, lit up with pulsing color and a comb that was more than a foot out of the water. I stripped that sucker all the way to tippet, swept the rod and he was within 6 feet of the beach about to run up on the beach, when he turned just before going dry on the sand. It took about 20 minutes to get my resting heart rate below 250, but was one of the coolest things I’ve seen in all my trips to Baja.
Do you want some?

Roosterfish are often spotted from the beach as they boil on Mullet and Sardinas. An angler must get the fly in front of the fish and strip retrieve like crazy to elicit the strike. Roosterfish will sometimes follow the fly all the way to the beach creating an adrenaline rush like none other in fly fishing.
Stacy has 6 spaces for a very nice all inclusive package during the last week of April.
Otherwise, he will be available from Mid March to Mid May.
Please drop a line if you are interested.
Hosting in Florida
Fly Fishing Montana
Rainbow Trout, Dolly Varden Char, King Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Silver Salmon, Pink Salmon, Steelhead ....Tarpon, Roosterfish and more!
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