June 30, 2018 @ 6:31 AM
Mike and Courtney Yanovitch with a perfect sockeye lift.

Andres managed to save this one from an aggressive bald eagle. A previous fish was not so lucky.

Anna Grace Shirley showing off a beautiful early summer bow. Oh yeah, she's 12. Way to go girl.

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June 27, 2018 @ 6:11 AM
The Carl and Maria Anderson crew got after it. A three generation family trip to Alaska and the Kenai River produced this stringer full of chromer sockeye salmon. It does not get much better.

Thanks for visiting Mystic Waters!
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June 26, 2018 @ 6:27 AM
Salmon season is in full swing. Russian River bound sockeye otherwise known as "Reds" have been running the Kenai on their upstream migration. Some end up providing fantastic table fare for our guests. #salmonaredelicious

We still make time most days for some trout fishing. As we move into July, trout will become the focus for a couple weeks as we wait for the next round of Sockeye.

Summertime in Alaska and around Cooper Landing in particular is pretty awesome.
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June 20, 2018 @ 4:21 PM
The solstice always creeps up and flies by. We wait for the days to get longer and relish the added time as they do. Then just as summer seems to be starting with so many great days to come, the days are getting shorter again. Well, at least there are several great months ahead to enjoy.
So far, 2018 fly fishing on the Kenai River is off to a great start.

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