June 22, 2019 @ 1:35 PM

Ken Sutton and sons Adam and Matt enjoyed their first trip to the Mystic Lodge. They landed plenty of sockeye salmon on the Upper Kenai River.
There are a lot of Salmon this June
June 19, 2:58 PM Stacy says “Processors are overloaded, freezers are at capacity, no one can handle any more fish.” That’s the bad news for anglers trying to get fish vacuum sealed and frozen in Cooper Landing, Alaska. The good news is that the salmon are plentiful and the limit is high. There is no need to kill your limit, especially if you don’t need or have a way to care for all those fish. Make sure you take only what you need. Anglers need to impose their own limits on how much they are actually ...
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June 18, 2019 @ 1:01 PM
The bag limit on the Russian River and Upper Kenai from Skilak Lake to markers 300 yards upstream from Sportsman’s Landing will increase to nine fish per day starting at 12:01 a.m. Wednesday June 19. 45,000 Sockeye have been counted past the weir on the Russian River since June 7. That’s more than were counted in last year’s entire run. The escapement goal for the run is 22-42,000 sockeye. With the surplus available, sport fishers get a bonus. The 9 fish limit will remain in effect through July 7.

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June 11, 2019 @ 2:31 PM
Today is opening day and along with the excitement of a new season and great weather, we got some great news for anglers. The Russian River Sanctuary is opening tomorrow. Not only does the opening mean fish are abundant, but it moves anglers up from the Kenai / Russian confluence and makes more space for fly fishers on down the Kenai River.
Soldotna – The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) is implementing the following sport fishing regulation liberalization by opening the Russian River Sanctuary area early for anglers to sport fish for sockeye salmon. This regulatory change is effective 8:00 a.m. Wednesday, June 12 through 11:59 p.m. Sunday, July 14, 2019.
Abundant sockeye means more food will be ...
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